Sunday, March 16, 2008

Oil is to blame for... the war. Or is it?

The Washington Post presents a column that actually rationally looks at the case of blood and oil in the Middle East. Columnist Steve Mufson states that it is nearly impossible that the invasion of Iraq was at the behest of Big Oil, but also admits that yes, the government does have an eye on oil and it is impossible to extricate energy security interests from our national security interests.
Some of the comments following the column, however, are impossible.
A sample:
"Of course, AA 77 never took off, and no plane struck the Pentagon. Explosives were planted in the Pentagon, and it might have been struck by three cruise missiles."
"...let the Europeans, Japanese and Chinese defend their oil interests with their own soldiers. The Arabs would not be whining about their relatively benign treatment under US occupation anymore. I'll bet they would be very well behaved if they were occupied by the Chinese Army- the Chinese wouldn't put up with the kind of b.s. that we do out of some misguided sense of political correctness."
"I do not believe Iraq was about oil directly; but it was about preserving the "Imperial Dollar" as the world's currency standard."
"Israeli security interest as represented by the neocon architects of this disaster. For the Jews, having a major American land army invade one of their sworn enemies and having to deal with resentful fundamentalist suicidal Muslims was perfect. They can’t be too open about it but you see their silent hand on it. Joe Lieberman and subtle Jewish influences in the media are obvious."

My question - how is the article improved by this commentary? It seems quite clear that a number of the commentators did not read the article or address it. Some of these outrageous
statements seem ripped straight from the Tehran Times. It seems a shame that a decent article was ruined by the obnoxious and ignorant commentary that followed. It is no surprise that the Post hides comments behind a link, unlike other papers which stick comments right on the bottom.

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